Entries by GoCryo

Swimming in Very Cold Water Keeps Me Sane

I’m standing with two friends in the 39-degree air on the edge of a lake in northeastern California in just our bathing suits. A lone fisherman in several layers of outerwear stares, drinks from a bottle of Racer Ale and says, “Tell me you ladies aren’t going in that water.” We go in that water. […]

What to Know About Cryo Facials, the Skin-Care Treatment Celebs Swear By to Chill Out

Cryo facials and cryotherapy have gained a lot of popularity over the last few years with celebrities swearing by cool treatment for red carpet prep and skin-care experts boasting about its long list of benefits. For anyone new to the world of cryo facials, there are a few key things you should know before signing yourself up for one. Below, celebrity aesthetician Sarah Akram explains […]


Cryoslimming is a painless, non-invasive, incredibly effective treatment. Reducing stubborn body fat, and tightening the skin, Cryoslimming is a perfect alternative to painful treatments with downtime. After your Cryoslimming session, you will be able to return to your regular schedule – same day, for a fraction of the price of other fat reduction technologies. Cryoskin […]

Does Cryo Slimming and Toning Really Work?

Over the past year there have been a number of spas starting to offer Cryo Slimming and Cryo Toning treatments to help clients freeze away their fat cells. While it seems that some of the treatments offer show minimal results, others offer clients a significant decrease in fat around the targeted area. This has left […]


 from Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D Click here to get a free voucher for a $29 cryo and a complimentary compression therapy session! ABSTRACT With the recent explosion of Cryotherapy into mainstream industry and media, many sources have been quick to either claim the modality as effective or ineffective. This article summarizes a 20 page report […]

Cryotherapy Cold Therapy for Pain Management

Cryotherapy literally means cold therapy. When you press a bag of frozen peas on a swollen ankle or knee, you are treating your pain with a modern (although basic) version of cryotherapy. Cryotherapy can be applied in various ways, including icepacks, coolant sprays, ice massage, and whirlpools, or ice baths. When used to treat injuries […]

Fat Reduction – Minimally Invasive Procedures

Nonsurgical or minimally invasive options for fat reduction include technology that uses heat, cooling or to destroy fat cells. What is cryolipolysis? Cryolipolysis, commonly referred to as “CoolSculpting” or “Cryo Slimming” or “CryoSlimming” by patients, uses cold temperature to break down fat cells. The fat cells are particularly susceptible to the effects of cold, unlike […]

10 Best Things to Do in San Diego, CA

California’s birthplace and the first spot in the United States where Europeans stepped ashore, San Diego is a city with great appeal. To go with the comfortable climate and laid-back style, San Diego Bay and its natural harbor have a rich military heritage. The colossal aircraft carrier USS Midway speaks to this, and stands as […]

How Infrared Sauna and Cryotherapy Benefit Skin

Whether you have your finger on the pulse of the hottest wellness trends or not, it is hard to ignore the rise in infrared sauna sweats and cryotherapy chills. Despite their polar opposite temperatures, both of these tried-and-true rituals come with a dose of impressive health benefits. And as with many things in the health […]

I Spent 3 Minutes Inside a -264 Degree Cryotherapy Machine

“You may now start to hyperventilate and shiver uncontrollably,” I hear. Other than undergarments, I am wearing nothing but athletic socks and clogs on my feet, raw-wool mittens on my hands, and a post-concussive expression on my face. I am ensconced in a shoulder-height cauldron spewing nitrogen-iced air at minus-264 degrees Fahrenheit.  I’m about to […]