How Infrared Sauna and Cryotherapy Benefit Skin
Whether you have your finger on the pulse of the hottest wellness trends or not, it is hard to ignore the rise in infrared sauna sweats and cryotherapy chills. Despite their polar opposite temperatures, both of these tried-and-true rituals come…

I Spent 3 Minutes Inside a -264 Degree Cryotherapy Machine
"You may now start to hyperventilate and shiver uncontrollably,” I hear. Other than undergarments, I am wearing nothing but athletic socks and clogs on my feet, raw-wool mittens on my hands, and a post-concussive expression on my face. I am…

Cryogenic Chamber Therapy Has Some Serious Evidence That It Works Wonders For Recovery
Used by a laundry list of elite athletes including everyone from professional bodybuilders to olympians, UFC fighters, and even entire NBA teams, cryogenic chamber therapy is building a reputation as one of the most effective new recovery therapies…

A blast of cold jump-starts fat burning and generates body heat
Looking for a silver lining in the cold that's gripping much of the country? The next time an icy blast of wind cuts through your flesh, remind yourself that it is also stimulating the growth and activity of brown fat, the so-called good fat…

Cryotherapy: Why Pro Athletes Like It Chilly
The traditional ice bath isn't so cool anymore. These days, professional athletes are opting for a treatment that sounds more like sci-fi torture: whole-body cryotherapy.
Here's how it works: You stand in a cylindrical chamber for about two…

The Wonders of Cryotherapy
As seen on ABC World News, Cryotherapy, a popular new health trend, means stripping down in sub-zero temperatures.
Book your cryotherapy session today: https://gocryosd.com/booknow/

How going in a -130 degree chamber could help your body…
To most people being in a -130 degree chamber like structure for three minutes doesn't sound so appealing, but if you have some muscle aches and pains, inflammation in your body or even some extra pounds you want to shed, maybe you should think…

Cryotherapy: Is it the coolest thing in sports medicine?
I am standing inside an upright tank, my head sticking out the top. I’m wearing skivvies, booties and glovies. A dry-ice-like fog of liquid nitrogen wafts, swirling under my chin. The temperature is quickly dropping, on its way to a brisk…

Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Athletes: From Therapy to Stimulation. An Updated Review of the Literature
Nowadays, whole-body cryotherapy is a medical physical treatment widely used in sports medicine. Recovery from injuries (e.g., trauma, overuse) and after-season recovery are the main purposes for application. However, the most recent…

Why Whole Body Cryotherapy Is the Latest Wellness Trend Ruling Hollywood
Cryotherapy, generally speaking, is the use of extremely cold temperatures to treat an array of issues; if you’ve ever had a wart frozen off or taken an ice bath to soothe post-yoga soreness, you’ve technically experienced it. Whole Body…