6 Benefits Of Cryotherapy For The Body And Soul
This deep freeze helps to stimulate the brain and squash inflammation
My first cryotherapy session could be described as a scene from a science fiction novel. I was asked to strip down and was given socks, shoes, and gloves. The cryosauna machine,…

What Even Is Cryotherapy and Is It Legit?
The term "cryotherapy" refers to any cold therapy, so simply icing your knee with a bag of frozen peas counts. But whole-body cryotherapy (WBC), the current wellness trend of choice, involves stripping down to your skivvies and spending three…

What is cryotherapy and what are the benefits of the -200 degree chamber?
CRYOTHERAPY is a medical technique which uses cold temperatures for health benefits.
It is sometimes referred to as cryosurgery, cryozone, cryoablation or cryosauna and uses a cryo-chamber.
What is cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy involves the application…

Freeze Away Inflammation with Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy has been around in one form or another for ages: exposure to frigid air, cold-water immersion, or just applying ice to sore muscles. The ancient Romans would take plunges in frigidarium baths and the Nords would crack open icy…

Cryotherapy: Freeze your way to better health?
NEW YORK -- If you think it's cold outside now, how about enduring temperatures that are hundreds of degrees below zero -- by choice?
As CBS New York reports, more and more people are venturing to into the "frozen zone" for health and beauty.

Cold truth about cryotherapy: Holy %#*&, the longest three minutes of my life
In order to show fans what big-league players go through, I’ve been hit by a 92 mph pitch, put on catcher’s gear and blocked pitches in the dirt, and had my hair cut by Eric Hosmer’s barber — basically, anything for a laugh.
So when…

Subjective evaluation of the effectiveness of whole-body cryotherapy in patients with osteoarthritis.
OBJECTIVES: One of the treatments for osteoarthritis (OA) is whole-body cryotherapy (WBC). The aim of this study is to assess the effect of whole-body cryolherapy on the clinical status of patients with osteoarthritis (OA), according to their…

Muscular disorders associated with ankylosing spondylitis and their correction with the help of whole body cryotherapy
AIM: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possibilities for the correction of muscular disorders associated with ankylosing spondylitis and their correction with the help of whole body cryotherapy.

Whole-body cryotherapy’s enhancement of acute recovery of running performance in well-trained athletes
PURPOSE: To examine the effects of a whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) protocol (3 min at -110°C) on acute recovery and key variables of endurance performance during high-intensity intermittent exercise in a thermoneutral environment.

Effect of cryotherapy on the lumbar spine in elderly men with back pain
Whole-body cryotherapy (ivi1I3C) is a procedure which is more and more often successfully applied in medicine. Used in physiotherapy programs improves the efficiency of physiotherapeutic exercises applied in different aliments The aim of the…